HomeConvalescence Unit

Convalescence Unit



This unit has 13 beds and is intended to treat

  • People with acute non-surgical illnesses who do not require specialised services.
  • Patients with decompensation of chronic medical or surgical illnesses who, once the decompensation phase has been overcome, present a functional loss that does not allow them to be self-sufficient and require care aimed at functional recovery.
  • Patients with illnesses that include the loss of physical and/or psychological autonomy and with medical affectation, who require continuous medical and nursing supervision.
  • People with severe pathologies of chronic evolution that require re-education and/or reactivation without the possibility of community support and who need social orientation in addition to health care.
  • Patients with pathologies whose predominant action corresponds to the nursing area (ulcer treatment, etc.).

Objectives of the Unit:

  • Comprehensive geriatric assessment covering the clinical, functional, mental and social situation.
  • Clinical stabilisation of the illness causing admission and optimisation of symptom control.
  • Functional recovery.
  • Pharmacological review aimed at reducing polypharmacy.
  • Identification of fragile patients and/or those with palliative care criteria.
  • Guidance on social resources for the patient and family, facilitating their processing in coordination with the basic social services for the management of social support resources on discharge.

The Unit has a multidisciplinary team, among which the following stand out:

  • Geriatrician with a Master's degree in Palliative Care.
  • Referral nurse.
  • Geriatric nurses.
  • Auxiliaries.
  • Social worker.
  • Occupational therapist and physiotherapy support.