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historia de vida

01 February 2023
For a diagnosis of schizophrenia, I haven't lived so badly. To give you an example... Background After my bloody fall from twelve metres, due to a...
Mujer mayor se mira al espejo mientras su cuidadora sonríe
17 November 2022
In recent years we are witnessing a change in the model of care that seeks to put people and their relationships at the centre of care activity. But...
Hombre en silla de ruedas y mujer se toman de la mano en un baile
03 December 2021
December 3rd- International Day of Persons with Disabilities I don't know if I'm really convinced about these "International Days". Although, of...
Mujer mayor acaricia a un perro
06 August 2020
From its origins, the human being has been shown to have a strong bond with nature and in particular with animals, a relationship that over time has...
Fotografía de Shiwa Sawano
24 May 2020
I came across Robin Hammond’s photographs on Instagram.   It was the extraordinary, earthy beauty of the portraits that first...