

Imagen de una mano de una persona mayor asiendo una taza de té
01 December 2022
The current global context, with very high energy prices and forecasts of record low temperatures for the winter, leads us to believe that many...
Fuente de la que cae un chorro de agua
26 June 2019
Heat, especially associated with humidity, further increases the risk of mortality, and this is because when perspiration systems act more than the...
Frasco de píldoras
10 June 2019
The use of medicines in the elderly poses many problems due to the physiological changes that occur in our bodies during the ageing process and the...
18 May 2017
Respect for the management of one's own life (included in the bioethical principle of Autonomy) implies the right of every adult, capable, in the...
20 September 2016
About a year ago, from Matia Gerontological Institute we asked two questions to several health and social services professionals, who had been...
13 October 2014
Health is a complex term to define and evaluate, which has changed over time. From the classic concept of health as the absence of disease or...
25 April 2014
On 28 April, World Day for Safety and Health at Work will be celebrated, this year focusing on the Use of Chemicals in the Workplace. According to...
18 November 2013
Caring for the elderly has been characterised as a high-stress job. Assistants working in gerontological centres are constantly under emotional...
13 July 2013
Today we start a new tour in our Blog.  We are going to incorporate entries in which we will be able to show different news of health interest...