

Persona mayor pasea acompañado de una cuidadora
12 April 2021
A year ago, we were astonished to see how an unknown virus entered our lives with devastating force and devastated our lifestyle, our health, and in...
Fotografía a tres figuras de los reyes magos
05 January 2021
Dearest Majesties: We are writing to you with great enthusiasm after a year that will not be easy to forget; although we are very much looking...
Fotografía de Idoia
25 September 2020
The year 2020 will not be easily forgotten. Neither will the Matia Fundazioa Pharmacy Service. No one had taught us how to deal with a pandemic and...
Pareja de personas mayores sentadas y cogidas de la mano
13 August 2020
I’m writing these words from the Isle of Skye where I arrived yesterday to visit family for the weekend. Every time I come to Skye I have a sense of...
Manos de un cuidador y de una persona residente
30 July 2020
Hello, my name is Juandedios, although people usually call me Juande or Juampi. I am a native of Argentina, and destiny wanted to bring me by family...