

Persona llevándose una mano al oído en un gesto de que no oye bien
12 March 2019
March 3 was International Hearing Day, a date used annually by the World Health Organization (WHO) to recall and review various aspects of promoting...
13 September 2016
Diabetes mellitus is a pathology that increases greatly in frequency with age, due to the changes of aging itself, concomitant diseases and...
26 July 2016
High blood pressure is considered to be the permanent elevation of blood pressure, which is considered a cardiovascular risk factor by increasing the...
17 June 2016
Recently, in April 2016, the NICE agency highlighted in its eyes on evidence programme a study carried out by Dr. Mary Tinneti on the effectiveness...
13 August 2015
With the changes that are taking place at a demographic level and in living habits, with a substantial increase in overweight and obesity rates in...
09 December 2014
Depression in the elderly is the most frequent psychiatric pathology in this age group, being a relevant source of disability, significant...
03 November 2014
Ahora que estamos iniciando la campaña de vacunación antigripal y los cambios estacionarios que nos anuncian la inmediatez de la llegada de las...