

Imagen de una mano de una persona mayor asiendo una taza de té
01 December 2022
The current global context, with very high energy prices and forecasts of record low temperatures for the winter, leads us to believe that many...
Imagen Publicacion
24 February 2020
Bathing in people with dementia is one of the most uncomfortable causes of care. The expression of this discomfort is reflected in different forms of...
Manos con un calendario
14 November 2019
The European Society for Patient Adherence, Compliance and Persistence (ESPACOMP) defines the term "medication adherence" as the process in which the...
Mujer mayor durmiendo en su cama
14 August 2019
Sleep disorders and dementia People spend a third of their lives sleeping, with sleep having a physical and cognitive repair function. As the years...
Fuente de la que cae un chorro de agua
26 June 2019
Heat, especially associated with humidity, further increases the risk of mortality, and this is because when perspiration systems act more than the...
16 August 2016
Aging is a natural and inexorable process, but there are rules and guidelines that can slow down this process. Be yourself. It is more important...
26 July 2016
High blood pressure is considered to be the permanent elevation of blood pressure, which is considered a cardiovascular risk factor by increasing the...
18 July 2016
Two years ago, very high and prolonged temperatures were recorded in the summer that were not usual in our environment. Heat, especially when...
11 July 2016
Summer is a time when we change our habits, it is sunny and the needs of the body change. 10 steps towards a 'Blue Summer': Liquids: 2 - 2.5...
26 October 2015
On 18/09/2015 our colleagues from Matia Instituto Gerontológico. Elena del Barrio (Researcher) and Mayte Sancho (Scientific Director), presented the...
